Butterfly count postponed – again

Sadly due to another poor weather forecast, this Thursday’s butterfly count at Cissbury has been postponed as the butterflies won’t be out and about in the rain and wind.

However, third time lucky, so this time we’ll be holding a count the following Weds 31 July on the Ferring Rife, and at the moment the forecast is looking better. If you’d like to help out and learn a bit more about our local butterflies, please meet at the footbridge (NOT the road bridge into the Country Centre) over the Rife at 1030am. If coming by car, you can either park at the Bluebird Cafe car park and walk up, or in the field at the entrance to the Country Centre and head south for a short distance.

July events

Sunday 14 July litter clean up of central part of Ferring Village. Please meet on Village Green at 11am, and equipment and high vis jackets will be provided. We plan to clean up the Green and Glebelands Rec (and surrounds), and by coincidence this is the day after the Ferring Festival so a good opportunity to remove any litter.

We will also be having stand at the Festival in conjunction with Ferring History Group on the day before (Saturday 13th), and we’ll be in a marquee at Glebelands. This will be between 11am and 4pm.

On the following Tuesday (16th), we will be carrying out our contribution to the national Big Butterfly Count organised by Butterfly Conservation, and as last year, this one will be at Cissbury Ring, where we’ll be meeting at the top car park at 11am. This site is one of the very best for butterflies (both in numbers and different species) in the whole of the South East, so a good opportunity to learn about them while counting for the survey. Feel free to bring a picnic, especially if the weather is nice.

*UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 1700 – the butterfly count tomorrow (Tuesday) has been postponed as the weather forecast is not conducive for the appearance of butterflies. The provisional replacement date will now be 1100 on Thursday 25 July, and this will take place unless we advise of another weather related change*

Bluebell Walks

On a warm Saturday 13th April, 12 members of the group met in Clapham Church car park. Led by Graham Tuppen,  we walked through the woods, admiring the bluebells, wood anemones, celandines, greater stitchwort and primroses. Despite searching, no early purple orchids were spotted.

A diversion from the main path took us to a magnificent beech tree, which apparently has a somewhat questionable history, and then to a delightful spot at the woods’ edge overlooking Long Furlong and Blackpatch Hill.

A lot of coppicing has been carried out recently, partially with the aim of encouraging silver-washed fritillary butterflies by improving the habitat for their caterpillars’ food plants. We finished with a look around Clapham Church.

A small group of members met on a delightfully sunny Monday 29th April morning, for a walk to see the bluebells and early purple orchids in Patching woods and part of the Norfolk Estate, again guided by Graham.

The bluebells were still lovely, and the early purple orchids were putting on a great show.

Other flowers spotted in the woods and near the village were greater stitchwort, a few late wood anemones, celandines, wood spurge, red campion, yellow archangel, herb robert, alkanet, some Californian poppies, and speedwell.

Jackie Seymour led the butterfly spotting, with large whites, brimstones, speckled wood, red admiral, peacock and orange tips. An interesting black and red froghopper insect was also spotted.

Birds included a red kite and buzzards. (Photos by Peter Dale and Lynda Monger)

Late April and May events

In addition to the main meeting this coming Friday (26th) at Ferring Village Hall at 2.30pm on the Broadwater and Worthing Cemetery, we have the following events coming up:

1. An extra Bluebell Walk – this time in Patching Woods next Monday 29th April, meeting at the usual place in France Lane just south of the main village at 1030am. We should be seeing some early Orchids there in addition to the Bluebells. Please note there are a number of stiles to cross, and it may still be muddy in places.

2. Monthly Community Project morning Thursday 2nd May – an hour’s work, meeting at the Sea Lane boat at the sea end of the road at 10am. The plan is to dig out and replant the boat with fresh soil etc, plus if time, some work at the Raised Shingle Beds further along Patterson’s Walk. Please bring a spade and trowel etc if you have them.

3. Annual Memorial Visit to Warnham Nature Reserve near Horsham (just off A24 and signposted) to remember our good friends Tricia and Mike Hall – Friday 10th May, meeting there at the opening time of 10am. Please note there is a small entrance fee (cards only) and a coffee shop plus facilities. Please lift share if at all possible.

4. A small impromptu repeat of the above Warnham visit to anybody who can’t make it on that date. This one will be the following week on Thursday 16th May, also meeting at 10am.

5. First Beach Clean of the year – Sunday 19th May, meeting at the east end of the Bluebird Cafe car park as usual at 11am. All equipment will be provided.

A lot going on for your interest then, and if weather might be an issue on the day, please check the website for any updates.


Presentation on Ferring’s WWII defences including the Pill Box

Some pictures of the recent excellent presentation by committee member Pete Coe on Ferring’s WWII defences, and particularly the Pill Box on Patterson’s Walk. This included an update on its current joint restoration project with Ferring History Group, which is progressing well.

For information, Pete has also written a book on the subject which should be published before Christmas with all proceeds going to the restoration fund. Watch out for more details of the exact publication date and how to obtain a copy.

Ferring History Group and Ferring Conservation Group – (A Joint Project to clear and make safe the Pill Box on Patterson’s Walk)

As one of the few remaining Pill Box beach defences along the West Sussex coastline, this strategic structure was erected by the Royal Engineers in 1941 as part of the beach defences known as the coastal crust. Ferring lies in the middle of the West Sussex section of the German invasion plans, code named Operation Sea Lion.

It was felt by both Groups that it would be worthwhile to dry out and make the Pill Box safe inside as it would be of interest to residents and to local school children, especially year six pupils as WW2 is taught as part of the National Curriculum.

The steel entrance door had to be opened and a new lock fitted before the nine inches of water that covered the floor could be removed. As the water could not be pumped out it was tested to ascertain its source and it proved that this was rain water, and had not been flooded by seawater during high tides.

With guidance from Ferring Conservation Group committee member Pete Coe, himself a former officer of the Royal Engineers, a line of volunteers each with a bucket met on Patterson’s Walk on the morning of Friday 28th July. Under Pete Coe’s direction a human chain was formed between the Pill Box along the beach towards the sea and the muddy water was removed and bucketful after bucketful was passed along the line and dispersed along the beach.  Grateful thanks go to West Worthing MP Sir Peter Bottomley and Arun district councillors Mark Turner and Lesley-Anne Lloyd together with the many other volunteers, including one of the youngest members of Ferring Conservation Group, 11 year old Eoin Kearns, whose strength and enthusiasm matched that of any of the adults present.

Once the roof had been properly sealed the next stage of the project was to open up the bricked-up embrasures where the guns were mounted and install either vandal-proof glass or Perspex. This will enable visitors to appreciate the view the soldiers had from inside the Pill Box.

As well as leading the practical work Pete Coe will continue with further research with assistance from Martin Mace the author of Frontline Sussex: Defence Lines of West Sussex 1939-1945 who was also one of the volunteers helping with the practical work on the 28th July.



Butterfly Count at Cissbury Ring

On Tuesday 18th July members of Ferring Conservation Group, led by Clive Hope,Graham Tuppen and Jackie Hall, met at Cissbury Ring to take part in the Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count.

Gatekeeper Butterfly

It was a lovely sunny day, with only a gentle breeze, so the conditions were favourable and in all 19 varieties of butterflies, 3 of moths, with numbers of some species well into the 20s. The Group saw Large, Small and Marbled White, Brimstone, Small Copper, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Common and Chalkhill Blue, Brown Argus, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Wall Brown, Dark Green Fritillary, and Small and Essex Skipper Butterflies, and 6-Spot Burnet, Silver Y and Common Crimson and Gold Moths.

The wildflowers were many and varied, and birds spotted included Goldfinches, a Kestrel, Red Kite and a young Redstart.

The Group also saw the New Forest ponies that grazing freely playing an important part in restoring the iconic features of the landscape. The ponies eat away at dead grass and overgrowing shrubs which help to make space for wild flowers and allows wildlife to bloom.

Everyone agreed that the event was a delightful 2 hours of gentle exercise in a lovely setting with great company.

(Photographs courtesy of Peter Dale)


Summer Social

We’re holding our annual Summer social on the evening of Saturday 19 August, and this year it will be at the St. Andrew’s Church Centre, starting at 6.30pm.

There will be a choice of hot buffet main meals, with salads and bread etc, then a choice of desserts and cream to follow, plus one free drink will be included. There will also be a series of fun quizzes with prizes to entertain you and a raffle, so should be an evening of good company and good food as usual.

Tickets are priced at £12.50 per person. These can be bought at our stall at the Ferring  Village Fair at Glebelands recreation ground next Saurday 8 July between 11am and 4pm, or at our next meeting at the Village Hall on Friday 28 July. Alternatively, you can ring David Bettiss on 07502 176374 or send a message via the Contact button on this website to arrange purchase outside the above two occasions. We would ask that you pay at the time as this year we won’t be able to save tickets to be paid “on the door” on the night.

The Changing Chalk Partnership

Chalk grassland, a globally important habitat, has sadly been in decline since WWII. Led by the National Trust and funded by a £2.23 million grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and People’s Postcode Lottery, this 10 core partnership aims to connect landowners, farmers and communities around Brighton and Hove, Eastbourne and Lewes with pockets of chalk grassland along the eastern end of the South Downs.

The following delivery partners, Historic England, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew and Writing our Legacy, will help deliver specialist activity on specific projects.

This grant will help restore rare habitats and lost landscapes, bringing history and local cultures to life. The partnership’s aim is give volunteers the opportunity to learn new skills and to support the partnership’s vision.

Over 800 hectares of land are to be managed to benefit nature, including 60 hectares of golf course land to be returned to species-rich chalk downland and around 40 sites to be returned to active grazing. As well as the restoration of five historic dew ponds, the long-term future of one of Britain’s most endangered insects, the Wart-biter bush-cricket among other species, will hopefully be secured.

Grazing is vital to preserving and restoring chalk grassland and the project aims to encourage the return of this important tradition. Large scale conservation grazing is being led by the South Downs National Park Authority to restore a new generation of graziers coming together to establish a system that is economically sustainable.

After a break for welcome cups of tea members were treated to warm mince pies as the traditional pre-Christmas treat!

Graham Tuppen then took to the floor with news of local wildlife sightings and happenings in the ever popular Nature Notes slot. Graham opened with a delightful photograph of the planting of a pretty Field Maple tree in Little Twitten in fond memory of our late Nature expert, committee member and friend, Tricia Hall. A large group of members and friends were present, including Tricia’s two daughters Jackie and Amanda and her little granddaughter Wren, who took her tree planting duties very seriously and was most reluctant to hand over the spade! During the last clean-up of the year around Warren Pond, a large Willow tree was cut back from the water’s edge and plans to enhance the biodiversity of the pond and bankside were discussed. As Warren Pond is one of the few remaining areas left in Ferring that can support a diverse range of pond life including waterfowl, birds and insects, this precious habitat is certainly worth preserving and enhancing. Graham then showed a photograph of members planting bulbs around the thriving Community Orchard which will hopefully enhance this worthwhile developing area.


Another photograph showed the flooded fields on the Southern Gap attracting many bird species including twenty Dunlin, five or six species of Gull, a Knot, a Little Stint, and eight Brent Geese. Also Kingfishers had been spotted mainly in the area to the north of the Rife.

Ed Miller concluded the meeting with some planning news and informed members that the groundworks had already begun on the 74 house estate west of the ASDA supermarket. The plans for the proposed housing estate on Highdown Vineyard had still not been submitted. While the planning application for houses on the Lansdowne Nursery site was still pending as is the application for the sale of alcohol and extended hours at the currently named Kingsley’s Coffee Shop.